Understanding CONQUEST, a scleroderma clinical trial for people with systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease (SSc-ILD)

Here are some of our frequently asked questions about CONQUEST.

What is the expected timing for experimental agents to move through the clinical trial process?

CONQUEST has begun recruitment in the US with other countries opening later in the year. The goal is to enroll the entire trial by mid-2025, which would position the trial to have data readout in late 2026.

Will CONQUEST be used to advance clinical trials for other scleroderma indications?

Scleroderma manifests in patients with many different types of additional physiologic disorders. So, there are other indications for which the platform may be relevant beyond SSc-ILD. We are actively considering additional protocols to address other disease manifestations. Further afield, CONQUEST’s design may also be relevant outside scleroderma, and we are happy to share our learnings outside of our disease community to support other rare disease communities.

Do you have support from the FDA for CONQUEST?

Yes, we have worked closely with the FDA with formal pre-IND meetings to assure the trial protocol is acceptable. Their input was a critical piece of the final platform’s development.

How can scientists and other researchers bring clinical trials to CONQUEST?

As the investigational drugs move through phase 2b, and outcomes data are collected, the Scleroderma Research Foundation (SRF) will work closely with its pharmaceutical partners to disseminate news about the outcome(s) with a given investigational drug. Data sharing is extremely important to us. Beyond the proprietary data, the SRF will own the data from the placebo patients, and we believe these data will be an important component of a growing asset base that has the potential to identify and accelerate novel therapies for scleroderma.

What is the Scleroderma Research Foundation (SRF)?

The Scleroderma Research Foundation (SRF) was founded to fund and facilitate the most promising, highest quality research aimed at improved therapies and, ultimately, a cure for scleroderma. We are the country’s first and leading nonprofit investor in medical research into scleroderma.

Learn more here.

What is the SRF's relationship to CONQUEST?

CONQUEST is a highly innovative platform clinical trial developed by the SRF. The SRF serves as the sponsor of the FDA-approved investigational new drug application (IND).

CONQUEST oversight activities are managed by an internal team of 5-8 experienced clinical development professionals. This SRF team works closely in partnership with the pharmaceutical companies that have agreed to put their phase 2-ready investigational agents/drugs into CONQUEST. External oversight of CONQUEST is provided by the CONQUEST Steering Committee and the CONQUEST Data Monitoring Committee.

After platform therapies progress to phase 3 clinical trials, what role would SRF play in the next steps to achieve FDA approval?

The SRF would support its pharmaceutical partners’ efforts to present their data from the CONQUEST trial, as requested.

Does the SRF benefit financially from CONQUEST?

No, this is NOT a revenue generating program per se. However, the SRF does collect a modest overhead charge to offset its internal costs for administrative oversight of CONQUEST and to support the expansion of future trials.

Who do I contact for more information about CONQUEST?

For Media inquiries, Hannah Young:
For CONQUEST inquiries:
For all other inquiries:


Join the quest to advance systemic sclerosis research through CONQUEST.

Consider enrolling in the CONQUEST study, a scleroderma clinical trial for people with systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease (SSc-ILD). Participants help progress research to potentially uncover new SSc-ILD treatment options.

All About Enrolling in CONQUEST

More about CONQUEST.


CONQUEST is designed to rapidly advance promising treatments for scleroderma.

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Patient Impact

CONQUEST offers unique benefits for scleroderma patients.

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The CONQUEST Steering Committee

Meet the people providing external oversight of CONQUEST.

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If you are a healthcare provider or pharmaceutical company, please email

If you are a person with scleroderma or a caregiver, please email