How Will You Define Your Legacy?
Making a planned gift is a simple decision that echoes your values and ensures your wishes are honored. If finding a cure is important to you, consider arranging for a gift now to be received by the Scleroderma Research Foundation sometime in the future.
Beneficiary Designation
You can designate the SRF as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401k, life insurance policy or other account not covered in your will or trust.
If you’ve included the SRF in your estate plans, please let us know so we can recognize you as a member of the Sharon Monsky Legacy Society. Contact the SRF at or 1.800.441.CURE.
Join the Sharon Monsky Legacy Society
In 1987, scleroderma patient-turned-activist Sharon Monsky founded the SRF, understanding that funding medical research was the best way to make a better future for those with scleroderma. Though Sharon passed away in 2002, her determination to end this disease continues to inspire people today.
The Sharon Monsky Legacy Society honors donors who support scleroderma research with gifts beyond their lifetime. Their generosity carries forward Sharon’s dedication to finding a cure, and we are deeply grateful for their partnership.
Anyone, at any age, can join and create a lasting legacy. Join the Sharon Monsky Legacy Society and help advance the search for a cure.

Planning Ahead, Made Easy
You can take care of the people and causes you love most by making a will. We’ve partnered with FreeWill to offer an easy-to-use online tool that helps you make your estate plans without hassle—at no cost to you and with no obligation to include a gift to the SRF.
Pictured: Sharon Monsky Legacy Society member Linda T. with daughter Melissa B., dx 2014

Questions About Making a Planned Gift?
Contact the SRF at or 1.800.441.CURE.