Celebrating Legacy Society Members
The Sharon Monsky Legacy Society honors donors who support scleroderma research with gifts beyond their lifetime. Their generosity carries forward Sharon’s dedication to finding a cure, and we are deeply grateful for their partnership.
Estate Gifts
We honor the following Legacy Society members whose estate gifts have made a lasting impact on the scleroderma community.
Estate of Maria D. Anargyros
Dolores C. Anderson Trust
Estate of Harold E. Aust
Estate of Irene Adele Barg
Estate of Sylvia M. Becherer
Estate of Betty Z. Benedict
Ralph Benner
Estate of Karl Franz Bergmann
Estate of Teresa W. Duggan
Estate of Alice Melanie Hill
Estate of Carol L. Hulsing
Estate of Eva Jenkins
Estate of Mary T. Keith
Estate of Edward Klinger
Margaret R. Lee Irrevocable Trust
Estate of Janice Lowry
Estate of Thomas I. Malanowski
Estate of La Verne B. McCrory
Estate of Neal McGuire
Estate of Martha Laberdee McHenry
Ramelle Ferer Monsky Trust
Neptune Charitable
Remainder Trust
Neptune Family Trust
Jerome and Georgeanne
Osborne Charitable Trust
Estate of Frans W. Peltzer
Anne D. Ramsier Family Trust
Mary Scott Trust
Estate of Robert Shutan
James Simon Family Trust
Estate of Helen I. Steffanus
Estate of Clinton Ternstrom
Marion Ternstrom
Endowment Fund
Estate of Deborah Ann Trapani
Estate of Mary Ann Wolff
Supporter Gifts
Thank you to the following members whose thoughtful planning will impact the SRF research program in years to come through a bequest, retirement plan asset, life insurance, or charitable trust.
James C. Adams
Bonnie Becker
Douglas and Debra Beltzner
Michael Budd
Douglas and Melinda Bullock
Arianne and Douglas Calvert
The Glenn Christiansen and Caryn Ishida Family Trust
Suzette Swann Conrad
Timothy and Janet Davis
Tobye Margaret Ertelt
Herbert and Judy Freedman
Meryl Friedland
Karen Hamer Garner
Ileana Gonzales
Rudolf Gutierrez
Joy Jagiello
Cheh Yung Kim
Cindy Kronman
Marie C. Kronman Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
Jennifer Langer
Amira Littman and Jeffrey Gevirtz
Jeffrey Mannion
William Moore
Beth Nelson
Joyce Prime
Helene Rostock
Robert and Carolyn Slaughter
Matthew Sloan
Emily Parrish Southwell
Bruce and Marilynn Starkey
Linda and John Tarantino
Nathan Turner
Julie Simmons Weiss
Larry Williams and Francine Torok-Williams
Bruce Woodward
Want to Learn More about Joining the Sharon Monsky Legacy Society?
Check out our resources here to learn more about the different types of planned gifts and how you can make one.
You can also contact the Scleroderma Research Foundation directly at donations@srfcure.org or 1.800.441.CURE, and we’ll be happy to help.
Caryn’s Planned Giving Journey
For Caryn I. (dx 2023), making a planned gift to the SRF was more than just a financial decision—it was an investment in hope for a future without scleroderma. “I chose to make a planned gift to the SRF as I am hopeful for the research that they are doing to progress further along,” she says.