Workplace Payroll Deduction

You may be able to give to the Scleroderma Research Foundation through your workplace Payroll Deduction program.

Workplace giving is convenient and generally allows deductions to be taken one time from your paycheck, or on a recurring basis over multiple pay periods. Check with your Human Resources Department to see whether the Scleroderma Research Foundation is already included in your company’s list of recipient organizations. If your company doesn’t have its own payroll deduction program, they may be participating in one of the programs below:

United Way #10603264

You may be able to give to the Scleroderma Research Foundation at your workplace through United Way. Our United Way ID number is 10603264.

Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) #11847

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the official workplace giving campaign of the federal government, allowing federal employees and retirees to pledge monetary support to approved charities. Our CFC number is #11847 and our Tax ID is #68-0087234. Visit to learn more about the CFC.

America’s Best Charities (ABC) #11847

ABC is an IRS-recognized nonprofit association that represents charities that meet the highest standards of public accountability and program effectiveness. ABC facilitates gifts from contributors in fund drives primarily conducted in workplace settings. Visit for more information.

Health and Medical Research Charities of America

This is a federation of America’s best health and medical research charities that strive to serve all people through the most advanced and innovative research and treatment available. Visit for more information.