Living with Scleroderma

Rare Disease Day 2024

By February 29, 2024November 19th, 2024No Comments

It’s the rarest day of the year: #RareDiseaseDay! You all have blown us away with how you’ve engaged with raising awareness of rare diseases like #scleroderma.

There are 6,000+ rare diseases, and scleroderma is one of them. Scleroderma, or systemic sclerosis, affects approximately 100,000 people in the United States and can strike women, men, and children of all ages.

The SRF stands with the rare disease community because being rare doesn’t mean being alone. Join us and raise awareness today as part of this global effort. Tell your scleroderma story or share facts about rare diseases like scleroderma using the hashtags #RareDiseaseDay, #sayscleroderma, or #ShowYourStripes. Or take time to talk with someone today about rare diseases, like scleroderma.

Looking for facts to share about scleroderma? Check out today. Thank you again for spreading the word. Together, we can make a difference.