Long-time SRF Cure Crew members and scleroderma advocates, the Connors-Zini family, recently hosted the 9th Annual Best Medicine Comedy Show on October 24th in conjunction with Live Snakes Comedy, carrying on their tradition of raising funds for a cure. Maureen has been dedicated to fundraising for scleroderma research since the passing of her mother, Patty, to scleroderma in 2014.
“It’s easy to be dedicated to the cause when you have the motivation of a loved one,” she says.
Thanks to their dedication over the years, the event has raised over $26,500 for scleroderma research. Our deepest gratitude goes to the Connors-Zini family for their unwavering commitment to finding a cure.
Inspired to join the SRF Cure Crew? Visit our website to learn how you can help advance research through this impactful volunteer program.
Pictured: Catherine Zini (far left) with fellow performers