Cure CrewMaking a Difference

Remembering Sandy Kosmach

By October 10, 2024January 6th, 2025No Comments

At this time, we are fondly remembering our dear friend Sandy Kosmach Ribich, a devoted advocate and longtime supporter of the SRF’s mission to end scleroderma. Sandy, who passed away in June, leaves behind a profound legacy of love, generosity, and unwavering dedication to advancing scleroderma research.

For more than three decades, Sandy had been a passionate champion in the fight against this challenging disease, standing alongside her husband Ray, daughter Alanna, and sisters Diane, Annette, and Joni, and other family members, collectively the “Kosmach Cure Crew”.

Together, the Kosmach family has worked tirelessly to raise scleroderma awareness and funds in memory of their mother, Joan Kosmach, who passed away in 1995 due to complications from diffuse systemic scleroderma.

Just two months after Joan’s passing, the family established the Kosmach Cure Crew, hosting their first “Strike Out Scleroderma” event—a candlelight bowling benefit inspired by Joan’s love for the sport. In more recent years, they’ve hosted “Bet on a Cure,” a festive casino night featuring poker, auctions, and dinner. Through these efforts, the family has raised over $600,000 for scleroderma research, leaving a lasting impact on the search for a cure.

“Sandy was always in the middle of preparations for all of our events, from making baskets for a silent auction, preparing posters, putting up decorations and greeting guests,” says the family. “She was an integral part of our success”.

The Kosmach Cure Crew will continue its work with the SRF in honor of their mother, Joan, and their sister, Sandy, They will celebrate 30 years of fundraising next March with their Bet on a Cure event.

“The SRF and the Kosmach family are on the same journey with the same goal—to find a cure for scleroderma,” the siblings say. “We admire the work done by the SRF and believe the research it funds will be successful.”

Sandy’s passing leaves a void that will be deeply felt, but her contributions will be remembered and cherished for years to come. The SRF honors her remarkable journey and is grateful for the passion she and her family have shown to helping us one day end this difficult disease.