Making a Difference

Generosity Comes In Many Forms

By May 14, 2021June 10th, 2022No Comments

Today we remember Teri and the generosity of how her family honored her. Teri had only been diagnosed with scleroderma for one year before the disease took her life at age 62. Losing Teri made a huge impact on the family–especially her cousin Gayle, who described Teri as “the person I wanted to grow up to be like. She was a loving wife and mom, a whiz on the sewing machine, a fabulous cook, and had a great sense of humor.”

The family later experienced another loss when Gayle’s Aunt Beverly passed away. Gayle became the representative of her Aunt’s estate and learned that she could designate some of its funds to a charitable organization. She realized the family could honor both her aunt and her cousin Teri by making a gift to the SRF to help to accelerate the pace of research. As Gayle explained, “I think my aunt would be thrilled that some of her legacy was to help others with this disease.”

Generosity comes in many forms. Planning a gift through your will or trust is a meaningful way to leave a legacy while funding the finest research for a cure. To learn more about planned giving through your estate, contact us at or 800.441.CURE (2873).