New research: a study based on data from the SRF-launched CONQUER Registry finds that gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms in those with systemic scleroderma are unrelated to scleroderma-specific medications.
This study, led by Sarah Luebker, DO—a rheumatology fellow at Vanderbilt University Medical Center—utilized data from 399 participants enrolled in the Collaborative National Quality and Efficacy Registry (CONQUER). CONQUER is a first-of-its-kind nationwide patient registry and biosample repository. Dr. Luebker emphasizes the value of partnering with CONQUER investigators to “use this valuable platform to further benefit SSc patients.” Read more about her findings: https://bit.ly/GI-SSc-CONQUER
Dr. Luebker’s research will be presented this weekend at the ACR Convergence 2022, the American College of Rheumatology’s annual meeting. SRF funded-researchers, board members, and staff will also be attending this event—stay tuned for more updates from the gathering!
P.S. Want to enroll in CONQUER and help researchers like Dr. Luebker better understand scleroderma? Send an email to info@srfcure.org. We’ll walk you through everything you need to know and do to join this ground-breaking registry.