
You Helped Us Create a First-of-its-Kind Patient Registry, and It’s Already Generating Results

By December 20, 2023May 20th, 2024No Comments

In 2018, the SRF launched the CONQUER Registry (COllaborative National Quality and Efficacy Registry) – a first-of-its-kind longitudinal, nationwide patient registry and biosample repository aimed at improving care and developing more effective, personalized therapies for people living with systemic sclerosis (scleroderma). This innovative endeavor is possible thanks to generous contributions from our community of supporters, invaluable participants, and people like you.

Researchers have already published 6 papers based on the efforts and data of CONQUER, including two in the last year alone:

CONQUER Scleroderma: association of gastrointestinal tract symptoms in early disease with resource utilization (2023)

The Collaborative National Quality and Efficacy Registry for Scleroderma: association of medication use on gastrointestinal tract symptoms in early disease and the importance of tobacco cessation (2023)  (Please note this link will download the article.)